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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (The Dream Act)

In June, 2012 the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would refrain from removing certain young people from the US and would permit them to receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). This is in reference to the DREAM Act, which has been unsuccessfully proposed in various forms over the last few years. In August, 2012, DHS announced further details regarding the Deferred Action process, including the development of two new immigration forms.

There are five main requirements to benefit from this policy change:

  1. Aliens must have come to the US while under age 16
  2. Aliens must have continuously resided in the US prior to June, 2007 and be present in the US in June 2012
  3. Aliens must currently attend school, must have previously graduated from high school or received a GED or be an honorably discharged US military veteran
  4. Aliens must not have been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple minor offenses
  5. Aliens must not be above age 30

Why Choose McGregor & Oblad

We anticipate that the forms and evidence that Deferred Action Applicants submit for proof of eligibility will be scrutinized, particularly with regard to educational and other records. McGregor & Oblad, PLLC has counseled hundreds of clients in this process and spoken with hundreds more of potential applicants—our lawyers understand the legal process and know how to relate to clients to provide the best service. Our emphasis is on creating the strongest case possible, which means we need the maximum amount of proof of your eligibility as possible. Since it is not known how long the DREAM program will last, it is vital to prepare a winning case from the start and to get started as soon as possible. Our attorneys will help you assess your options so you can know the best course of action in your individual case.


We offer a low initial consultation fee of $75. We also offer limited weeknight and weekend appointments. Please call 214-720-9555 for an appointment.