What To Do If You Get Stopped By Immigration?

With the uncertain immigration climate in the country, it is crucial to know your rights. Here are some things to remember:

✓ Remain Calm and Do Not Run Away

It is important to remain calm in these types of situations. Be polite, and do not attempt to run away. This will only increase your chances of being detained and in trouble.

✓ "I Choose to Remain Silent"

The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution expresses that you have the right to remain silent during a stop. This will protect you from accidentally incriminating yourself and unintentionally get yourself into legal trouble.


✓ Do Not Consent to Any Searches

The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects you from any unreasonable searches of your property. If you are asked if you consent to a search of your home, vehicle, or person, just say no.

✓ Do Not Sign Anything

Avoid signing anything given to you, especially if you do not fully understand what it is you are signing. There are many reason why this can happen, and it can potentially lead to deportation. If you are being pushed to signing any forms, ask for an immigration attorney to help you understand your rights.

✓ If You Have It, Keep a Copy of Proof of Status (just in case)

If you have any legal documents that prove your legal status, make sure you keep a copy with you at all times. If you don't have any documents to prove this, DO NOT lie about it. Misrepresenting your legal status can have terrible consequences for your case. If you do not have legal status but do have a petition, application or waiver pending with Immigration, keep a copy of that paperwork with you and show the officer you have a pending case.

✓ Make Sure You Have a Good Immigration Attorney

The best way to avoid risks with your immigration case is to hire a competent attorney with the experience needed to represent you. At McGregor & Oblad, we have you covered. With 28 years of combined experience, we know how the system works, and understand the best routes to follow for a successful case. Give us a call and learn about your options.

Inmigracion en Perspectiva